FAQ’s & industry feedback


Customer Statements:  What customers are saying about OEM products  (and the competition!)
Q:  Do OEM Products Offer More Magntic Wall Loss Coverage than OTHER BRANDS?
A:  YES.  In fact, OEM inspection products are the ONLY systems that offer 100% circumferential coverage of the pipe OD and ID.  Competitive systems typically offer less than 25% coverage (but claim more!)

Q:  Who developed the first magnetic wall loss function for sale ?
  OEM designed the first magnetic wall loss function in 1988-89 and debuted the system at the 1990 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston.  It was so revolutionary, crowds of hundreds gathered around the booth.  This is why OEM systems are so much more effective at finding wall loss defects using magnetics – we invented the method and have more experience than any other company in the marketplace.  In fact, the current competitors in the industry didn’t even exist for many years afterwards!